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Saturday, May 28, 2011


The other day I went to the doctor to have my cholesterol checked and it was the best ever, my diatician was so proud of me. So on my way out I went by Hardees to celebrate with a egg and cheese biscuit. I know its bad of me and I felt horrible after I ate it, but it was soooo good. I have been reading up on maybe becoming a vegetarian, I dont drink pop and there are alot of meats that I dont eat, so I dont think it would be that hard to switch over until I read you cant have hostess cupcakes...thats going to be a problem. I love anything that has the word cream in it...whip cream, cream cheese, cream pie, cream puffs...I think you get it. THIS is the problem. So now I have to have something to blame this problem on, so while at the doctors office waiting for the diatician to come back with my results I eyed some brochures on the wall that read; Diabetes (NO), Osteoperosis (NO), Menopause (oh no could this be my problem), so I sit there thinking should I get up and read what this information brochure has to say? I look around making sure nobody sees me taking it and then I go in for the kill...I snatch it up like a frog on a fly. I open it slowly and the first thing I see is.

Symptoms of Menopause
  • Period changes  (hmmm...yup)
  • Hot flashes or night sweats (hmmm...yup)
  • Less interest in sex (yupyupyup)
  • Vaginal Dryness (hmmmm)
  • Trouble sleeping (oh yup)
  • Trouble controlling your bladder (wearing a pee pad count...yupyupyup)
  • Weight gain (oh yupyupyup)
  • Mood swings (WHAT!! yup)
  • Trouble concentrating or remembering things (
  • Trouble concentrating or remembering things
  • Trouble concentrating or remembering things  (YUP)
OMGosh! I have ALL these symptoms so I am having my mid-life crises and I didnt even know it. I head to work and brag to my co-workers on how AWESOME my cholesterol is and cant wait to go home and tell my husband. On my way home I'm trying to figure out how Im going to tell my husband about the discovery I made about myself. I finally get up enough nerve and throw the brochure at him and say, "see I told you it wasnt me...I DO have a problem and its called MEN-O-PAUSE see whats at the beginning of that word.
His comment, AND your point is?

Looks like there is no pulling the wool over his eyes he knows me too well. Looks like Im going to be praying my way through my womanhood. :D

Sweet Blessings,

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